Mental Health Awareness week

I think that it’s easy to get fatigue when it comes to such a day or such a week. Why are there so many? The reason I think that there are so many is that there is quite simply a need for them to raise awareness. There is still a stigma around mental health conditions. Black lives still matter. Deaf people are still disadvantaged.

If we lived in a fair and balanced society we would have no need for these days and weeks to create awareness. But sadly we don’t and it’s still necessary to spread the good word of equality and fairness. Personally, I’m very happy to be reminded of the climate crisis, or that there is still a lot of homophobia throughout the world. It gives me impetus in my personal life and in my role as a counsellor to keep trying to move the conversation forward on these issues.

So happy mental health awareness week! Check out my postings on social media using the #mentalhealthawarenessweek


Knowing yourself


Single-session therapy